Bali Trp Day 4-Ubud Paddy field,,Uluwatu Temple,Pura Tirta Empul

Tegallalang Paddy Field

Tegallalang rice terraces is famous tourist attraction for beautiful rice terraces, many tourists come here to witness the beauty of the greenish terraced rice field scenery or having lunch at the restaurant while enjoying beautiful panorama of valley with rice terrace and coconut trees ornament it.

Nice View


It is advisable to wear shoes instead of slippers due to the terrain ,you must watch up your step carefully.

Uluwatu Temple

Uluwatu Temple is so popular of its cliff top setting at the edge of a plateau 250 feet above the waves of the ocean.FYI,every visitor must wear a sarong which you can rent at beside the entrance.

Uluwatu Temple with nice view

I with the sarong

From the entrance,you have to go through a small forest only can reach the temple.The forest is inhabited by a large number of monkeys, who are extremely adept at snatching visitors' belonging. So you must beware of them and Keep watching on all your belongings.If your items are snatched away by monkeys, you can approach local temple priests who will chase down the monkey to retrieve your item for a money.

The wave strike on the cliff

The serpentine pathway to the temple is fortified by concrete walls on the cliff side.The views from the bottom of the water surging up against rocks and the ocean horizon are remarkable

Crowded with visitors

Pura Tirta Empu

Pura Tirta Empul is a temple related to a traditional tale about good versus evil.Tirta Empul, famous for its holy spring water actually the name of a water source located within the temple.The water source feeds several pools where the Balinese people washes to clean themselves .

Anyone who wants to enter the pool must wear a sarong. The sarong can be obtained from the entrance of the temple.

Group photo with sarong

The sacred pool has healing powers according to the Balinese . Thus the Balinese people go once every year to Tirta Empul here to bathe. The people cleanse themselves in the holy waters of Tirta Empul temple to their health and happiness.

The pool where people clean themselves

The static pool,just for visiting
Women  are prohibited entry to any temple or sacred site during their periods and may enjoy the sights and attractions in the outer perimeters only.There is another one huge pond with a crowded of Koi fishes. Visitors can buy the fish feed and feed fish.

Huge Fish Pond

From the exit if temple to the car park,there is a market and rows of stalls selling various of souvenirs. Please avoid any eye contact or talking with the seller. The sellers will keep approaching you even holding your hand and don't let you go until you buy from them.

Market and stalls

Tips:If you don't want to buy it is better you don't even stop and look, just say a polite "no, thank you".


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