Alert of Survey Monkey Auto Renewal Features

Just last year December’2017, I had subscribed to Survey Monkey for my master program. I only intended to subscribe for one monthly and never notice that auto-renewal was triggered upon subscription. After months later, I was shocked to find out that Survey Monkey charged every single month until today, August’2018,  I immediately deactivated the auto-renewal function. I wrote an email to their support for the refund. The irony, they rejected on the pretext of company policy that had stated regard auto renewal issue, although I never login since then. In my opinion, company policy isn’t a tool for a company to ignore their responsibility and act as legal protection against unethical acts. 

Now I deeply regret, I should have chosen google surveys as many of my friends are using google surveys for their master thesis and is free.

I believe, many people like me, wouldn’t go through a lengthen policy for every single transaction online. Many people are busy and tend to forget on trivialities which solely human nature.  The world has changed, and people seek transparency and conveniences as time is precious for everyone. The e-commerce website should provide an option such as a checkbox to allows the customer to choose whether they decide to have auto renewal. This is vital as it involved money transaction. 

Programming or just plugin isn’t so hard to change the feature and why still they won’t even bother to look into the issue. Why allows refund request issue happened? It turns me to doubt on their management practice and productiveness. We can rarely see this phenomenon arises in the prominent company which emphasis on customer lifetime value.

So, if the auto-renewal wasn’t mentioned during payment pages then what is the intention behind the scenes. Some e-commerce company trick customers on their hard earn money with auto-renewal feature that wasn’t an option to choose in payment page itself. This is just like a scram, and company who play around with policy, gimmick, tell the company personality. Who wants to deal with a company who doesn’t put the customer first but money first? Who doesn’t take care of their customer post-purchase-dissonance? Money always matters and why would I pay a single sen for the gimmick like this?


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